Why EVERYONE needs a Health Coach!

"I know what to do, I just don't do it". I hear it all the time! Health coaching supports you & keeps you accountable so you actually do what you "know" you should do.

You know you need to make lifestyle changes to be healthy - the kind of healthy YOU want to be. Or maybe, for whatever reason, your doctor told you to "eat healthy and exercise".

But then life gets in the way. That little voice inside your head whispers, "I'll eat better tomorrow" and before you know it 10 years blew by and 20 pounds (or more) appeared on the scale! Sound familiar?

Ok, so you made the decision to "get healthy". Now what? You try wading through the noise of "Pop Science", get overwhelmed, throw your hands up, and say "screw it". And tomorrow becomes today again without any real change.

Your health coach (hopefully me, but if not that's cool too) can help you in amazing & very profound ways, helping you make hard lifestyle changes much easier.

My Coaching Services

Let's Create YOUR Unique Lifestyle Blueprint!

Working 1 on 1 allows you to tailor your health journey. We will use a specific process to align your vision and hopes with daily life. I recommend a minimum of 6 weeks, but a nice timeframe to see significant results is 12 weeks. This individualized process includes:

  • In-depth assessment of your current health (where you are NOW)
  • Clarify your health vision and values (think big picture DESTINATION)
  • Create specific goals that help you reach your destination
  • Accountability, support & health education throughout the entire process
  • Reflection & mindset shifts are ongoing
  • Celebrate WINS!

Packages Include:

  • 1 to 2 hour INITIAL Session (longer to allow for an in-dept review of your health concerns & discover priority areas for coaching support
  • 45 to 60 minute WEEKLY Sessions
  • A unique variety of support tips, tricks, and tools

Awesome Sauce Courses

Heart Health Academy - In Development (early 2023)

Group Coaching

Coming SOON!

CALL or EMAIL if booking times don't work for you!





Hi! My name is Susie Spell.

I'm a nurse practitioner, holistic & lifestyle medicine health coach and owner of Vital Transformations, LLC. My passion is helping you connect the dots between how you live every day and your overall health and well-being. As a health coach, I guide, educate, and support your journey to better health, keeping you accountable to the goals you've set. Stop putting off to tomorrow, what you can do TODAY!